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File List | 1996-01-15 | 11.1 KB | 156 lines |
- 1T_TUTOR.ZIP 696592 11-11-95 T-TUTOR HyperText for TERMINATE V.3 300TER.*
- | Compilation of information from many sources,
- | including Frequently Asked Questions
- 203JTER1.ZIP 563228 09-20-95 TERMINATOR 2, ver. 2.03j, file 1 of 4
- | *FREE* DOS comms. program with multiple task-
- | windows (great w. Warp/Windows) Internet/ISDN
- | speeds up to 115,200 bps while using integral
- | QWK'em mail reader, State-of-the-Art.
- 203JTER2.ZIP 599851 09-20-95 TERMINATOR 2, ver. 2.03j, file 2 of 4
- | BOTH files 1 & 2 are needed for installation!
- 203JTER3.ZIP 238630 09-20-95 TERMINATOR 2, ver. 2.03j, file 3 of 4
- | QWK'em Offline MailReader AND Terminal option
- 203JTER4.ZIP 647052 09-20-95 TERMINATOR 2, ver. 2.03j, file 4 of 4
- | Lots of complementary third party programs
- 300TERU.ZIP 1432682 11-23-95 Terminate 3 The Final Datacomms Terminal!
- | This Has Been Modified to Automaticaly Update
- | Terminate With Fix300.EXE & Fix300x.exe.
- | Extremely Powerful Terminal Program
- ACEW20.ZIP 786709 12-16-95 AceComm v2.0 Win31-Win95 Communications -
- | Solid Easy to use Communications Terminal.
- | Robust Ascii/X/Y/YG/Zmodem, Uploads manager
- | Macros,key-redef,easy scripts with learn,
- | Auto port and modem detect, Modem database
- | ANSIBBS/VT100/RIPscrip, FAST terminal screen
- | On line time recorder, Call logging/summary
- | IEMSI/Auto login, Scripts/Learn, Macro Lang
- | Split screen chat w/host option, BBS mode
- | **EMSI Mailer/FReq/FAttach/QWK Mail Reader
- BBS224.ZIP 175512 01-01-96 BBS Access from MicroFox Company is a very
- | easy-to-use data communications program for
- | calling BBSs and uploading & downloading
- | files. The protocols included are ASCII,
- | Kermit, Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem, Xmodem/1K,
- | Xmodem/G, Ymodem/G. It can capture screens to
- | file and will record the time and length of
- | each call. BBS can change and save modem
- | initialization strings and all screen colors
- | can be changed & saved. <ASP> {STAR} [ASAD]
- BCOM23.ZIP 116001 11-13-95 BananaCom 2.3 VERY simple com software.
- | Excellent for the first time modem user
- | and perfect for people who help people
- | use modems. Provides auto ZModem, auto
- | ANSI/VT100 terminal emulation, MUCH MORE.
- BCUST23.ZIP 124891 11-13-95 Sysops! TRIPLE your BBS usership!
- | Nothing brings new users to your service
- | as effectively as handing out client software
- | You can do it too! In fact, you
- | can beat the big boys at their own game!
- | BananaCom Custom is almost ten times
- | more effective at bringing a new user online
- CIMRATER.ZIP 308714 07-30-95 CIMRATER Autologs Wincim Charges for Wincim
- | 1.2 to 1.4, CD and Ziffnet Versions.
- | Needs Vbrun300.dll.
- CISFUL2S.ZIP 250071 07-17-95 CIS Phone Number Changer - is a Windows Help
- | file that has an organized list of all the
- | United States, Canadian, and international
- | Compuserve phone numbers.
- CMRAT558.ZIP 301590 09-21-95 CimRater v5.58: MS-Windows util designed to
- | automatically log CIS charges for WinCim 1.2
- | to 1.31, CD & Ziffnet versions. reqs vbrun300
- COMMO66.ZIP 200741 12-16-95 {COMMO} 6.6 - High-performance DOS terminal
- | program, also excellent under Windows and
- | OS/2. Chosen by professionals for it's
- | speed, reliability and versatility. Easy,
- | comprehensive macro programming language
- | addresses almost any communications need.
- | {COMMO} is very friendly to the visually
- | impaired. This release features refinements
- | to existing features and many technical
- | improvements. Shareware.
- D2UMODEM.ZIP 15823 11-01-95 11.1.95 modems.dat file for procomm plus for
- | windows
- DIALM80.ZIP 257379 08-19-95 DIALM (DOS) v8.0 Phone Dialer and Call Logger
- DOWNDIR.ZIP 107863 06-21-95 Download Director - helps organize and manage
- | downloaded files from any on-line service.
- ETIMER13.ZIP 423107 09-25-95 EASY COST TIMER v1.3 - Ready for the new CIS
- | pricing plan, this easy to use Timer and
- | Clock will even graph your monthly charges!
- | reqs VBRUN300.DLL and THREED.VBX.
- EZYD22.ZIP 39091 06-01-95 Nice Cmnd-Line Phone/Dig. Pager Dialer Ezy-D
- | is a great little dialer for use on the
- | command-line and in batch files
- FIX300.ZIP 8150 09-01-95 Patch for TERMINATE V.3 (300TER.ZIP)
- | FIX300.EXE Fixes a problem in Terminate
- | 3.00 with changing emulation incorrectly
- | STARTIME.EXE updated replacement version.
- FIXFON10.ZIP 8535 09-30-95 FixFon v1.0α by Encoexia Software Inc. Simple
- | program that gets around the nasty bug in
- | Terminate v3.00 by changing terminalemulation
- FUNFAX.ZIP 1172960 09-11-95 FAX FROM SANTA! - Great family sftwr! Special
- | Occasion Fax version 1.3. It's not real fax
- | software, it sim ulates a fax. Entertaining!
- HILLCOM.ZIP 116377 11-22-95 Baby Banana v 2.1c - Sysops and ISP's
- | can now create their own BananaCom
- | Custom - the award winning software
- HO561.ZIP 357507 11-22-95 Hands On v5.61: pgm that will allow you to
- | connect two PCs together (via telephone lines
- | and modems, or via a direct cable, or via a
- | common mini- or main-frame computer)
- ICM109B1.ZIP 423622 11-01-95 I-Comm is a full feature WWW graphical
- | browser and modem communication program.
- JBL_212.ZIP 56406 10-30-95 JB Learn v2.12 - Automated learn engine for
- | COMMO 6.5. Self-learning features automate
- | any task with ready to run macros in minutes.
- KEEPGOIN.ZIP 22667 10-05-95 Keep Goin' (Dial-up Helper Utility)
- | Eliminates the hassle of hitting Connect
- | every dial-up attempt. Detects the need to
- | hit the "Connect" button when using Windows
- | 95 Dial-up.
- MYCMM231.ZIP 173466 11-05-95 MyComm v2.31 data communications program.
- | Powerful, yet small (175K). Supports Zmodem,
- | Ymodem, Ymodem-G, Xmodem, Xmodem-1K, Kermit,
- | and ASCII file transfers, and up to six
- | external protocols. Shareware.
- NFDATA.ZIP 17607 06-28-95 NodeFinder Data File 6/25/95 - is a DBF data
- | file for NodeFinder v1.0, containing every
- | known CompuServe node ID as of June 25th 95
- OLTIME20.ZIP 165360 08-07-95 Online Time - helps keep track of the amount
- | of time you spend using on-line services.
- | Req. WIN31.
- QCOM320H.ZIP 449121 11-21-95 QCOM v3.20. A DOS communications pgm. Easy to
- | use, features auto-script maker, scroll-back
- | with quoter, mini-BBS host, music support,
- | X/Y/ZModem built in and QMP v0.20 offline
- | offline mail reader. Oct/95.
- QLOG321.ZIP 163530 11-06-95 (v3.21) QLOG-Log book and terminal program
- | integrated, easy and quick to use.
- TDNEWS.ZIP 314820 07-18-95 The Daily News - retrieves the latest world
- | news to your WIN31 or Win95 desktop. Requires
- | a CompuServe account and a modem.
- TFW115_1.ZIP 1380123 12-22-95 Telix for Windows v1.15
- | Even better program, even better price! Now
- | only $79, this ever-popular comm program has
- | a Telnet client, WINSOCK SLIP/Shell account
- | Internet access, hooks to external FTP and
- | other Internet tools, and has been thoroughly
- | tested and streamlined for use under Win-95.
- | Time-limited version; Disk [1/2]
- TFW115_2.ZIP 1423658 12-22-95 Telix for Windows v1.15 [2/2]
- VCOMM300.ZIP 555650 12-14-95 v3.00) Vcomm - Windows telecom program Vcomm
- | is an excellent telecom program for Windows.
- WINTEL30.ZIP 310486 12-01-95 Wintel v3.0: full featured MS-Windows comm
- | ASCII, Xmodem, Xmodem-1K, Ymodem Batch &
- | Zmodem; realtime GIF & offline GIF/JPEG
- | viewer; DEC VT100, VT52, VT100 (ANSI Color)
- WSTMR416.ZIP 239230 10-18-95 WS-TIMER 4.16 is designed to help an Internet
- | user to keep track of his/hers time online.
- | applications. WS-TIMER requires VBRUN300.DLL
- ZIP202.ZIP 43897 11-04-95 ZIP 2.02 is a tiny utility to transfer files
- | between computers (desktop, notebook, or
- | handheld) over a serial cable at high speed
- | (115,200 bps). Faster than many similar